Abby Rosen, PhD

Licensed Psychologist, Author, Teacher, Speaker

Lasting Transformation Abby Rosen PhD purple butterflies
Lasting Transformation - A Guide to Navigating Life's Journey - Book and Audio Book- Abby Rosen PhD
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Reviews for Lasting Transformation

Reviewer for eBookFairs Book Awards

Lasting Transformation: A Guide To Navigating Life’s Journey by Abby Rosen, Ph.D is a boon to society, where we are all suffering with a broken soul. It is a very very helpful book. It not only guides you to open your heart and quiet your mind, so you can strengthen your intuition, but it also heals your soul.

In this book, Abby Rosen has written all her life experiences as a psychologist in order to help people heal their mind, heart and soul. It is written in a very clear and easily understandable manner and there are some cartoons inside the book that keep the reader interested and make the book even more enjoyable.

There are also In Practice exercises at the end of every chapter, which are fun to do. You will find yourself enjoying these activities, and learning from them.

The thing which I like the most is the cover of the book. It is beautifully printed with a butterfly, like it is conveying a message for everyone that we all are like butterflies – beautiful, colorful, and we too will emerge out of the chrysalis, so it gives a feeling of hope.

This book is one of the best books I have read to date. I will honestly recommend that everyone read this book. It will really help you in living your life in a better way. I appreciate the author for her work and bringing such a beautiful and helpful guide to us. And I am grateful that I got a chance to read it. Looking forward for more such work by the author. This book is 5/5 stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sarah Peña’s Full Review
Book Award Pro
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”Lasting Transformation–A Guide to Navigating Life’s Journey” is a self-help book that inspires positive change and deep inner transformation. Overаll, it provides readers with incredible insight as we set out on our journey through life. It offers guidance and useful techniques for developing a strong self–identity and mindset, as well as nurturing healthy interactions in our lives. The book covers many topics like learning to become vulnerable, transforming our brokenness into wholeness, turning our vulnerаbilities into strengths, recognizing and confronting our anxieties, removing our masks, and getting to know our true inner selves, initiating behavioral change and lasting transformаtion, developing a meditation routine, finding our true purpose in life and serving others.
This transformative book will help readers to embark on a therapeutic and spiritual journey that requires us to search deep within ourselves and explore, confront, and challenge the parts of our identity that we are working on. It brings the spiritual component to life in a therаpeutic setting. Abby Rosen is a gifted teacher and experienced professional who expertly guides readers through the concepts and practices of spiritually integrated psychotherapy. She includes many wonderful client-experiences that help to illustrаte the themes, teachings, and skills she presents within the book. Her compassion, kindness, humor, honesty, and wisdom shines on every pаge. On the whole, I found this book to be well-written, engaging, thought-provoking, and very beneficial.
Overall, I highly recommend this book to therаpists and counselors because it can help them to become proficient in combining their therapy with a spiritual approach while counseling clients. Most importantly, I recommend this book to people who are on the path to self-discovery, deep inner heаling and personal transformation. Or even for people who became ”stuck” along the way, and are in need of reassuring, non-judgemental guidance with a spirituаl edge. I give it 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

Gianfranco Spertini
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dear Abby,

I just read a dutch article on the internet on ‘NKCD'(dutch description of Narcissism) that comes out of your book ‘Lasting Transformation’. (Note: See Chapter 5 “For Men, Mainly)

The article opened my eyes, finally, cause it made me admit I am such a person. My whole adult life I have been searching what was ‘wrong’ with me. The description of the NKCD is spot on.

Only the last few years I went into therapy and with the right medication I consider myself ‘normal’ but some things will never change.

After reading your article I felt liberated, it tells me I’m not the total blame of my condition. Thank you so very much Ms. Rosen!

Jeff C.
Fairport, NY

Dear Abby,

I wanted to thank you so much for your most powerful book I am in the process of digesting so that inner healing and more healthy relationships can be realized. I am a 65-year-old retired pastor. Tonight I am taking this book to friends whose marriage is on the rocks. I told them that I have had two or three books besides the Bible that influence me to be a better pastor and husband/father over the 33 years I spent in full time pastoral ministry but Lasting Transformation tops them! I also said that if my house was burning and I could only take a couple of books they would be the Bible and Lasting Transformation!

Thank you for the 30 years of being a psychologist, and your writing that resulted in this wonderful book, so full of clear insight and transformational potential!

Abdulgafar Imran
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“LASTING Transformation” by Dr. Abby Rosen is a wonderful guide for those who strive for self-mastery and endurable transformation. What amazed me most about this book is its combination of therapy, spirituality, and ancient understanding, which makes the author blend them to form a map for the Change journey.

One of the things that make this book unique is its ease of use and guidance for implementation. Dr. Rosen personifies exemplary former patients with the help of humorous and helpful comics, which she uses to explain complicated themes. With each chapter, readers are equipped with valuable insights and practical tools in such a way that they become aware of themselves, develop more meaningful connections, and draw on their inner wisdom.

Dr. Rosen’s way of viewing health as a whole, fascinated me most of all. Supporting her principles that stem from psychotherapy techniques, Hebrew wisdom traditions, and inner healing approaches, the author presents a multilevel solution for life’s complexity and untapped potential.

“LASTING Transformation” is not a book in the sense of this; it is rather a companion for the pilgrimage to self-finding and power! The book can be your strong ally in all spectrums of your life. You may be coming to terms with your existing struggles and would like to put some things in perspective. Or, you may just need some inspiration to spark your inner self. I have no criticism of this book.

To anyone who is earnestly willing to undergo a journey in self-growth and self-transformation, “LASTING Transformation” would be highly recommended. Regardless of whether you’re a person who regularly navigates into your inner self or you’re just starting your process of self-examination, this book will definitely arouse your interest, enlighten you, and give you the power to become the person you wish to be. I didn’t notice any grammatical errors or typos, signifying it was well edited.

Giwa Fuad
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“LASTING Transformation” by Dr. Abby Rosen is more than just a book; it is a unique and life-changing experience of trauma, healing, and growth. The moment I introduced myself to the book, Dr. Rosen’s novel therapy method of incorporating psychotherapy, spirituality and Hebrew wisdom, had me enthralled. What differentiates this book from others is that it approaches all these in an accessible language, combining profound insights, anecdotes and practical exercises.
I particularly appreciate the idea of “LASTING Transformation” as it concerns with self-knowledge and self-love. Through Dr. Rosen, readers can take a pilgrimage of self-discovery, while she makes them realize their true identities hence, unleashing their full potentials. Dr. Rosen takes her audience through hilarious cartoons, real-world case scenarios, and mind-boggling exercises, offering them a roadmap for lasting change and transformation.
In addition to this, the way in which Dr. Rosen viewed the entire patient when treating them struck a chord within me. Through the combination of psychotherapy, spirituality, and ancient wisdom traditions, she provides her clients with a holistic toolset to help them in their self-development and healing. Rating this book 5 of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, provided the book is either relevant to your relationship issues or it offers a way forward from your past traumas, you can live a fulfilling life. As for the book, I have nothing to object to.
Without doubt, I would strongly advocate this book for all those who are on a mission to discover the self and work in the area of personal development. Be it an experienced counselor in search of new approaches or someone simply seeking to take a step towards self-healing, “LASTING Transformation” is a great addition to your journey. It will inspire, enlighten, and empower you on your way towards lasting change on every aspect of life. I didn’t find any grammar errors, which proves you did an outstanding job.

Hazel Mae Bagarinao
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Abby Rosen’s transpersonal guidebook, “Lasting Transformation: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Journey,” enlightens on understanding the inner self, promoting self-awareness, personal growth, spiritual awakening, and lasting transformation, while also giving the realization of how childhood experiences shape a person as an adult.
Divided into two stages, the book’s first half focuses on life-lesson therapy, where the author explains each of the five strong sub-personalities—the inner critic, the judge, the perfectionist, the pusher, and the pleaser—that affect relationships both internally and externally. The first stage centers on personality development by changing the behavior that no longer serves the person, while the second half emphasizes soul-wisdom therapy, which is for soul development, where meditation is one of the powerful tools promoted to achieve higher consciousness and to connect to the Divine.
Dr. Abby Rosen simplified her discussions by giving actual clients’ experiences and providing clarity on each of the proposed topics, especially the sub-personalities that impact any kind of relationship. According to the author, “to have a healthy relationship with our inner child, we need to know ourselves since it is an essential guide on the journey to health, happiness, and wholeness.”
The book includes several references to other authors’ work supporting Abby’s transformational book. One of the many citations that hit me hard was from Susan Polis Schutz, who describes: “Hatred can never put an end to hatred. Hate is conquered only by love.” With a dollop of simple cartoons relating to behavioral change, the higher self, and transformation, the book also encloses practical and actionable exercises at the end of each chapter, effectively evaluating one’s transpersonal realm, which “leads to the most sublime and constant experience of joy, wisdom, love, and peace.”
Insightful and informative, the book provides specific guidance for navigating the sacred journey of life. As the acronym LASTING Transformation entails: Life-lesson and Soul-Wisdom Therapy for Inner Growth Transformation, the book extols persuasiveness, especially since the author’s thirty-nine years of experience as a psychotherapist and spiritualist bolster its credibility too.
Filled with wisdom for positive change and transformation, the book imparts lessons from each client’s anecdotes that help readers understand the inner self, the source, and the significant others.
Coherent, invaluable, and exceptionally edited, “Lasting Transformation” merits an optimum rating from me. Hence, readers interested in the importance of vulnerability, conscious communication, aware ego, meditation, serving self, and purpose will find this book beneficial. By taking the road less traveled—the inner road that takes people beyond the materialistic worldview—one can achieve a deeper connection and the inner joy of life.

Sudipta Nandi
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“In therapy, I can tell how traumatic an upbringing clients have had by how strong their defenses are.” Very deep indeed. Such insights all over Rosen’s book make us believe that we, readers, are at the right place if we are looking for a wholesome transformation guide. The organization of chapters with case studies and their analyses, as well as the initial roadmap, are immensely engaging. Moreover, the journal-encouraging questions involve the readers instantly. For instance, I found out my dominant subpersonality was the “wall” when I was bullied in high school and college. Yes, I value that subpersonality because she is my savior. Unfortunately, the same subpersonality never let me have a great romantic relationship. As I try the “Voice Dialogue” strategy instructed in Rosen’s book, I discover other semi-dominant subpersonalities like “Pusher”, “Independent”, “Pleasure” and “Ambivert”. The strategy also helps me identify my disowned selves including “Needy” and “Rebel”.

This book teaches and indicates a lot. Current American divorce statistics, “Cover-up” points, “Inner Critic”‘s association with anxiety and depression’s connection with suppressed anger are eye-opening elements. I love the way “Original Sin” from Genesis and Adam and Eve’s blame game are analyzed. However, I would like to know how Rosen analyzes “Lilith”, Adam’s first wife. Michael’s inherited coping mechanism (demonstration of anger) without validation check and Inner Critic-Judge conflicts of Joyce remind me of Ted’s “Bacon allergy lie” in “How I Met Your Mother”. I feel sad for that client’s “perfectionist” subpersonality that forces her to live under her dead mother’s shadow. Rosen surprises me by introducing spiritual tools like meditation, and mantras with mindful awareness to detect and eliminate soul holes. As an Indian and Sanskrit learner, I adore the way the “gift of inner self” and Patanjali Yoga sutra are analyzed.

A chapter dedicated to men, and other significant discussions including HSP features, middle-child issues, inner-child reparenting strategies, power of proactive communication, conscious communication formula, generational anxiety, and NCCDPD are great. However, HSP sounds like an empath to me. Contextually, the “all NCCDPD in one island” joke is amusing. I love the encouragement of Herbal and Homeopathy remedies and the way Rosen signifies the difference between subpersonality and soul trait.

Overall, one of the top reads of 2024. I recommend this book to everyone to find their inner selves using theory of sorts, faith, spirituality, and other instructions.

P.S. Do not forget the appendices of the book.