Abby Rosen, PhD

Licensed Psychologist, Author, Teacher, Speaker

Lasting Transformation Abby Rosen PhD purple butterflies
Lasting Transformation - A Guide to Navigating Life's Journey - Book and Audio Book- Abby Rosen PhD
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About / Contact

I am a licensed psychologist and I co-founded InnerSource, A Center for Psychotherapy and Healing in Annapolis, MD, which I directed for over thirty years. As a psychologist and author, I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of people feel empowered as they learn to understand themselves more fully, communicate more effectively with others, and connect to their inner source of wisdom.

Currently, in private practice, I see men, women, couples, and lead groups based on my book, LASTING Transformation: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Journey.

As I am not taking new clients, for those I will not have the opportunity to work with individually, my book and audio book, LASTING Transformation can help guide you on your journey to transform the behavioral patterns that create obstacles in your relationships and in your lives.

If you share your contact information to the right, I will be happy to let you know of future programs and groups that I will be creating.

Throughout my life, I have woven the threads of psychology and spirituality into a rich tapestry of professional and personal experience. After receiving my doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology (the integration of psychology and spirituality) from The California Institute of Integral Studies in 1981, I travelled to India to study meditation and Eastern psychology, and to help coordinate the International Transpersonal Psychology Conference in Mumbai, India in 1982.

Since then, I have led numerous workshops including Communication for Transformation; Voice Dialogue—the Psychology of Selves; the Joys and Jolts of Relationships; Our Intuitive Wisdom; Meditation and Kabbalah; and the Power of the Mind. Both Kabbalah and meditation deeply inform my work with clients, and my life.

I have worked as director of the Marriage Family Counseling Clinic, and The Satori Program in San Diego, written a newspaper column called Dear Dr. Abby, and hosted a cable-TV show called “All about Women and the People in Their Lives”. I have worked with individuals and couples for over 40 years.

The goal for my life, my practice, my book and audio book, is one and the same – to inspire you on your life’s journey to transformation, wholeness, and connection with self, Source and significant others.

Professional Activities
Psychology Today
Voice Dialogue International

Maryland Psychology Association (MPA)

Abby Rosen, PhD
